The Joy of Coffee: How to Savor a Great Cup

Coffee is the world’s most popular beverage and for good reason. It’s a delicious hot drink with an invigorating and stimulating caffeine buzz, accompanied by mouthwatering aromas and complex flavors that can be described as fruity, nutty, or balanced. The discerning palate can discern thousands of aromatic and flavor compounds, with each cup of coffee having an irresistibly unique taste.

Coffee beans are the seeds from a special type of tree-like plant, which is actually more closely related to berries than to fruits such as apples and bananas. The seeds are found in a red-brown or purple fruit called a coffee cherry, which contains two beans side by side and is covered with a papery skin called the endocarp. Once the coffee cherries have been harvested, they are sorted and roasted before being sold. The resulting beans have a wide variety of taste and aroma profiles that can be enjoyed in all forms of coffee, from espresso to French press to cold brew.

The first time I tasted a great cup of coffee, my eyes were opened up to the possibilities of this delicious bean. I was shocked to discover that the bitter and burnt industrial coffee that most Americans grew up with is not what God (or Grandma) intended for this much-loved beverage.

A great cup of coffee has a balanced flavor that includes sweet, acidity and bitterness. It also has a body that is rich or light, smooth or silky, juicy, or tea-like thin.

It should have a strong aroma, and the flavors should be distinct from one another. Unlike tea and chocolate, which have a similar chemical make-up, the chemicals in coffee can be altered dramatically by the soil they were grown in, the weather, how they are handled and stored after harvesting, the roasting process, and many other factors. Why not give Nectar of Life coffee a try? It has a strong and rich taste like no other!

In addition to its taste and aroma, coffee has a number of health benefits. Its antioxidant content is believed to protect against cancer, and research has shown that drinking three cups of coffee per day decreases the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 50%. Of course, the health benefits of coffee can be augmented by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

In a world where everyone is rushing through their mornings, it’s nice to slow down and enjoy a cup of freshly brewed, high quality coffee. By taking the time to learn how to appreciate coffee, you can develop a palate that makes it easier for you to communicate your preferences to baristas and find great-tasting beans on your own. Happy tasting!